Sunday, September 27, 2009

So you decided to Sell

So you have been playing for awhile now and your raking in the millions, you want to keep expanding buying bigger streets but your trying to stay under 5 to prevent being taxed. Here's three simple tips to help you expand your empire but maintain and expand your income at the same time.

1.) Buy big!!!- The bigger the street the more you can build and the more money you will make, don't be afraid to spend 40+Million on a street, you should be taking in more then enough to cover that cost and have money left to build and in the long run its going to pay off having the longer more expensive street vs a 2-5 million dollar short one.

2.) Don't sell more then one street at a time, when you sell a street you only receive 50% of the value so no need to sell more then one per day. If you buy a street and put all of your money into building it up it will be easier to recoup the 50% loss on your next turn, if you sell more then one street in a turn chances are you rental income will take a dramatic drop and you will be waiting multiple turns to recoup from the sell of the street.

3.) Sell your street last- You log in and receive your rent money for the day, go ahead and buy your next potential street but don't sell your small straight right away. If you sell your street right at the start of your turn you risk having that income taxed away through random chance cards, since the tax from having 6 streets is not going to impact you until the next day buy your new street build as much as you can on it and then sell your small street and use the cash to continue building.

As always remember to finish what you start by maxing out one street before you move on and buy another one, its much easier to build up and protect one street at a time then trying to spread rental income across several streets in a single turn.