Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monopoly City Streets Tip of the Day

Don't be afraid to make friends, if your a small player and being picked on by some people on your local leader board or just in general see if anyone around you wants to group up. Two people working together will end up with 2x or more chance cards, while friends CAN NOT demolish hazards on each other street they can demolish bonus buildings on their enemies street.

Take out multiple bonus buildings and build multiple hazards on your shared enemy's streets and make them think twice before picking on either of you again. Most players will go for an easy target and two people working together provide a bigger challenge for the bully then just one small player trying to defend themselves with less money and therefore less chance cards.

Remember chance cards are give only when actively building or destroying in the game, so if you catch a person with no money saved and no rent coming in you can essentially force them to sell streets or eliminate them from the game all together.

Just remember it works both way :-)